Daniel Cherqui


Prof. Daniel Cherqui is currently Professor of Surgery at Université Paris-Saclay and Head of the Hepatobiliary Center at Paul Brousse Hospital in Villejuif-Paris France, a Center created by Prof. Henri Bismuth and home of the largest liver transplantation program in France. He is an internationally renowned expert with a vast personal experience in all aspects of liver transplantation and HPB surgery. He has extensively published and lectured internationally. He is a member of the Editorial Board of “Annals of Surgery” and served as Associate Editor for the “Journal of Hepatology”. He is one of the pioneers of laparoscopic liver surgery and he performed the first laparoscopic living donor hepatectomy for liver transplantation in 2001. He is the Founding President of the “International Laparoscopic Liver Society”.

– Medical school and Residency: University of Paris
– Fellowships:
o 1986 Prof. Henri Bismuth’s Unit – University of Paris
o 1987-1988 Prof Christoph Broelsch’s Unit – University of Chicago

Positions held:
– Chief of Liver Transplantation and HPB Surgery: Henri Mondor University Hospital, Créteil-Paris 1988-2010
– Chairman of General Surgery: Henri Mondor University Hospital, Créteil-Paris 2005-2010
– Chief of HPB Surgery and Liver Transplantation: Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York, NY USA, 2010-2013
– Surgical Director of Liver Transplantation: Paul Brousse University Hospital, 2013-2022
– Chairman of the Hepatobiliary Center, Paul Brousse Hospital, 2022-